There are 4 steps for students to review the vocabulary at home:
Story Card 1
Storyteller: Poor little cat. Thirsty little cat. (point to Kenny and mime thirsty)
Billy: Come to the kitchen! (point to the kitchen)
Storyteller: ...says Billy. (point to Billy)
Billy: Have some milk! (point to the milk)
Molly: This is your milk. (point to the milk)
Storyteller: ...says Molly. (point to Molly)
Point to Kenny, mime, and say: Kenny is very (mime being thirsty)... Ss complete the sentence (thirsty). Then T says: “Have some milk, thirsty little cat.”
Story Card 2
Storyteller: Poor little cat. Hungry little cat. (point
to Kenny and mime being hungry)
Billy: Come to the kitchen! (point to the kitchen)
Storyteller: ...says Billy. (point to Billy)
Billy: Have some fish! (point to the fish)
Molly: This is your fish, (point to the fish)
Storyteller: ...says Molly. (point to Molly)
Point to Kenny, mime, and say: Kenny is very
(mime being hungry) ... . Ss complete
your sentence (hungry). Then T says Have some fish, hungry little cat.
Story Card 3
Storyteller: Poor little cat. Sleepy little cat. (point to Kenny and mime being sleepy)
Billy: Come next to the fire, (beckon and point to the fire)
Storyteller: ...says Billy. (point to Billy)
Molly: Here’s a nice bed for your sleepy head! (mime sleeping)
Storyteller: ...says Molly. (point to Molly)
Storyteller: Meow goes the cat.
Purr goes the cat.
Happy little cat. (give a big smile)
Noisy little cat! (snore)
Practice vocabulary game
Practice vocabulary game
Practice vocabulary game
Practice the story